Please understand that we get many applications for our available dogs. We review each application and do our absolute best in choosing a home that best suits each dog and his/her needs and personality.
Fostered in Taunton, MA.. Adopt the pair for $500.00
About Flower in Massachusetts
Status: Adopted!
Adoption Fee: 300.00
Species: Dog
General Color: White with Black
Color: Spotted Chest
Eye Color: Brown
Ear Type: Erect
Tail Type: Long
Current Size: 6 Pounds
Potential Size: 6 Pounds
Current Age: 10 Years 2 Months (born on 10/24/2014)
Fence Required: Yes(6 foot)
Housetrained: No
Obedience Training Needed: Needs Training
Exercise Needs: Moderate
Grooming Needs: Low
Shedding Amount: None
Owner Experience Needed: Breed
Reaction to New People: Friendly
Flower and Oliver are 2 year old brothers and are a bonded pair. They need to be adopted as a pair!
More about Flower in Massachusetts
Good with Some Dogs (No large dogs), Good with Cats, Good with Older/Considerate Kids Only, Good with Adults, Very vocal, Does Good in the Car, Requires a yard, Cratetrained, Likes to play with toys, Likes to be in your lap, Prefers cool climate, Prefers warm climate, Playful, Affectionate, Needs a companion animal
Other Pictures of Flower in Massachusetts (click to see larger version):