Please understand that we get many applications for our available dogs. We review each application and do our absolute best in choosing a home that best suits each dog and his/her needs and personality.
Fostered in Ontario, CA
About Honey Belle in Ontario
Status: Adopted!
Adoption Fee: $300
Species: Dog
General Color: Red/Golden/Orange/Chestnut with White
Eye Color: Brown
Ear Type: Erect
Tail Type: Long
Current Size: 15 Pounds
Potential Size: 15 Pounds
Current Age: 10 Years 7 Months (born on 8/1/2014)
Microchipped: Yes
Fence Required: Yes(6 foot)
Housetrained: No
Obedience Training Needed: Needs Training
Exercise Needs: Low
Grooming Needs: Low
Shedding Amount: None
Owner Experience Needed: Species
Reaction to New People: Cautious
adoption pending-Honey Belle is a snuggle bum. She wants to always be close to her person. She is not a huge fan of crates for this reason but she was able to sleep quietly in a crate overnight in my bedroom where she could still see me. Her current foster reports that Honey will definitely protest being in a crate alone by scratching and trying to bark. She will be happiest with a family that is home a lot or takes her along when possible. She is very sweet, quiet & gentle. She will steal your heart in a heartbeat!
She is not used to some household noises and some outdoor sights and sounds. She can be easily startled. For her safety, she needs a solid harness and leash for walking, and a fenced yard and supervision when outside off leash. She needs supervision because she can climb proficiently out of exercise pens and can probably scale chainlink fence as well. Also, Honey was debarked prior to her rescue and is unable to let you know if there is an issue. This is something her vet should be made aware of. If any surgical or emergency procedures with intubation are ever needed, there may be scar tissue present in her throat that makes the procedure more challenging.
She likes to think of herself as the boss dog. She is a big girl and uses her size to her advantage with smaller dogs. She would be better with dogs closer to her own size or larger. She is working on house training currently and her foster reports that she is doing well but has a tendency to mark.
She is very special and she knows it!
More about Honey Belle in Ontario
Good with Some Dogs (No small dogs), Good with Older/Considerate Kids Only, Good with Adults, Good for Seniors/Elderly, Quiet, Does Good in the Car, Hypoallergenic, Does not require a yard, Leashtrained, Cratetrained, Likes to be in your lap, Apartment OK, Prefers warm climate, Skittish, Affectionate, Gentle, Not good with small dogs
Special Needs: Currently has a seroma at her spay site.
Other Pictures of Honey Belle in Ontario (click to see larger version):