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Last Updated:
3/29/2025 4:49 PM

Animal Success Stories
We are so fortunate to have some of the folks who adopt from us send photos, letters and updates.
If you would like to submit your "Happy Tail" to us, please email us at:

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Little Bear

In early 2015, I unexpectedly lost my 8-year-old Yorkie, Bella. Not only was I heartbroken, but Lucy Lu, my 2-year-old Yorkie was just as sad. This started the search for a companion for Lucy Lu. I decided to look at rescue dogs and began searching local organizations on the internet. This is how I met Little Bear. He was all black, with a smooshed face and overbite, the kind of face that only a mother could love – and I did, immediately! I knew this was the dog I’d been searching for. As fate had it, the rescue mom turned out to be a friend of mine so I contacted her and Little Bear came to live with us shortly after. It has been a year that Little Bear became part of our family, and I can’t imagine life without him! He has bonded well with Lucy Lu and he thinks his job is to protect our family. His love and affection are endless and he loves to show this with his kisses! He’s never far from my side and has a keen sense of things going on outside. I must admit, sometimes he gets carried away with his barking – which has led to his nick name of “Bob Barker”. I am beyond thankful Cecilia Tucker, and Naked K9 Rescue, for the selfless work they do and how they go above and beyond to bring together dogs and people!


Louise came to us in 2014 as our first foster. We were thrilled to be given the chance to foster a dog. When we brought Louise home, at first she was very quiet and low key. This changed within the first week and she became a happy, playful puppy. Even though she was much bigger than our other dogs, she soon learned her place in the pack as the silly little sister. We worked very hard to find her a forever home, posters at community centers and schools and a flyer with her picture in all of our Christmas cards. However, as time went on, Louise became such a comfortable part of our family that we realized that she had found her forever home. Our first foster experience and we were a foster failure! Louise is a sweet loving dog. If she is not outside running around the backyard keeping the squirrels and chipmunks on the other side of the fence, she is snuggling with someone. She wants to be wherever we are and loves to ride around in the car. One day I picked her up from the vet after she had a small procedure. When they brought her out and she saw me, she broke loose from the assistant and ran to me and hugged me. The other customers in the office commented that they had never seen such an emotional reunion. I told them to rescue a dog from Naked K9 and Small Dog Rescue and you can expect this kind of love all the time.


Lucette (aka Lucy) Here is the latest note from her family: is FABULOUS!!! one happy little angel for sure! we cant thank you enough for her! She has completely changed our lives! She is precious and such a complete joy! By the way....she LOVES opera music! She IS my child!!! Ha!!

Lucy - AKA Precious

Lucy is doing great in her new home! She now lives in Falmouth, MA. Here is a note from her new adopter: Lucy is doing great! A little tired of the cold and winter coats but she’ll put those away soon enough. She’s been to the Vet for a general check up and everything was fine. She’s getting her second Lyme prevention shot tomorrow which she’ll be unhappy about. She gets plenty of exercise. She walks me on the beach road a few times a day. Two short potty walks and one long, squirrel chase. She wants to round them all up. She has plenty of help as there are quite a few dogs in the hood and the beach road is popular with humans and canine alike. I enjoy her company. I believe she enjoys mine as well. Tom Connolly

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