Erie, MI 48133
Last Updated: 1/1/2025 9:41 AM © 2025 NakedK9
Animal Success Stories
We are so fortunate to have some of the folks who adopt from us send photos, letters and updates. If you would like to submit your "Happy Tail" to us, please email us at:
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Ralph and Cee Cee were able to be adopted together!
Lucy - AKA Precious
Lucy is doing great in her new home! She now lives in Falmouth, MA.
Here is a note from her new adopter:
Lucy is doing great! A little tired of the cold and winter coats but she’ll put those away soon enough.
She’s been to the Vet for a general check up and everything was fine. She’s getting her second Lyme prevention shot tomorrow which she’ll be unhappy about. She gets plenty of exercise. She walks me on the beach road a few times a day. Two short potty walks and one long, squirrel chase. She wants to round them all up. She has plenty of help as there are quite a few dogs in the hood and the beach road is popular with humans and canine alike.
I enjoy her company. I believe she enjoys mine as well.
Tom Connolly
Here is a recent email from Cooper's new family:
Cooper is doing great, Larry and I talked recently about Cooper, what
had happened to the scared dog who used to freak out from hands, legs
and people (basically, he was afraid from everything), and used to run
away to hide in the closets (after taking out the cloths). Today he
is secure, play (and even bark) at dogs and does not run away when we
have guests. He loves hiking and exploring, and loves to eat the ice
in the park (he will be very sad when the snow will melt). He is
obsessed over food, and will do anything to get a treat. He is very
smart, and learned many tricks (high five, sit, stay, up).
Courtney was a very sad neglect case. Animal control had to step in and remove her from her home along with two other dogs due to the horrible conditions they were living in. When Courtney came into rescue she was missing a lot of her hair, had a severe skin infection, tape worms and coccidia. Despite her medical issues Courtney had a wonderful spirit about her and was very sweet and affectionate. She was a joy to foster. Things got even better for her when she was adopted by Liz Paoletti. Courtney now shares a home with Liz and her four legged sisters Jewelly and Ella. She even shares their second mountain vacation home in the Pocono's. She loves to bark at the Turkeys and Deer! Courtney and her sisters get along great and love to run around outside and play together. Ella and Jewelly take very good care of Courtney and love to lick her belly and mother her. Courtney just lays on her back and lets them lick away. She could not have wished for a better home and will want for nothing. This was such a happy ending!
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