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12/8/2024 10:16 AM

Animal Success Stories
We are so fortunate to have some of the folks who adopt from us send photos, letters and updates.
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Naked K9 & Small Dog Rescue Written by Mary Sousa February 10 at 3:16pm Foster story part 1: Joey & Marley, the Hooligan Brothers Joey and Marley moved into my home in November 2012 They were fostered for a year with another family before they came to live with me. They were known there as the Hooligan Brothers and were often a subject in her blog due to their naughtiness. When I picked them up, Joey growled at me the whole way home and Marley curled up, too scared to... See More Naked K9 & Small Dog Rescue Edited by Mary Sousa February 10 at 3:19pm Foster story part 1: Joey & Marley, the Hooligan Brothers Joey and Marley moved into my home in November 2012 They were fostered for a year with another family before they came to live with me. They were known there as the Hooligan Brothers and were often a subject in her blog due to their naughtiness. When I picked them up, Joey growled at me the whole way home and Marley curled up, too scared to move. It took them awhile to settle in. They are both extremely shy and fearful dogs. Joey shows his fear by growling and Marley will not let a stranger near him. After a while I found that the real Hooligan was Marley who has written on my couch several times with ink pens and unzipped my purse to steal things ( he has a mischievous streak). Joey really is a very well behaved boy but does like to grumble at strangers. (Watch for part 2 of the Hooligan Brother's story this afternoon at 1pm to hear about life after adoption!) Part 2: Joey & Marley, the Hooligan Brothers, continued After having Joey & Marley for awhile, I fell in love with Joey. He is such a clown and so full of life he is irresistible. He did have a failed adoption before he came to live with me since he is not good with strangers. After 3 months I decided that I couldn't imagine life without my Joey Big Ears. I adopted him on 2/2/13. He has come a long way and is currently attending rally obedience class. He will now let a stranger feed him treats but he is not ok with them petting him. I also adopted Marley on 5/5/13. He is even more shy than his brother Joey. It actually took my mom (who comes over 5 days per week) over 2 years to be able to pet him. Most homes don't want a dog that is so shy so I decided Marley would be happiest here. He is an amazing dog, just very scared of the unknown. He is still very naughty but you have to laugh because he is so cute. Unfortunately in rescue we often get dogs that were not properly socialized as puppies. It is a terrible thing for these dogs and many have trouble working through these issues. It may seem great to have a 1 person dog but it isn't good for your dog. Please take the time to socialize your puppies. I am so glad to be able to give Joey and Marley their forever home. My life wouldn't be complete without them!